Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Notifications configured to be sent with SMTP mail in Backup Exec are not being sent.

SkyHi @ Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Does your SMTP server require authentication ???

Please refer to
the following document
notification configured to be sent from Backup Exec for Windows Servers,
requiring authentication to the SMTP server, fails to be sent

configured to be sent with SMTP mail in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x are not
being sent.

(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) notification is configured and enabled
within Backup Exec but no notification is received after the job runs.

to configure backup jobs to send notification using Backup Exec 9.x and
10.x (includes SMTP configuration)



The procedure in this article should be followed if

notifications are not being received, including situations where:

  • A

    recipient is configured to be notified of a job, selection list or alert

  • Test

    notification emails work every time.
  • A

    recipient use to receive notifications but does not receive them


To allow notifications to start

being sent again perform the following:

1.  Confirm

the SMTP Mail settings are configured correctly.

Click on

Tools --> E-mail and Pager Notification. (Figure 1)

Figure 1


 Ensure the settings are configured correctly for the


2.  Go

to Tools --> Recipients... and select a recipient that is not receiving

notifications then click Properties. (Figure 2)

Figure 2


3.  In

the SMTP Mail tab, uncheck the Enable check box in the "Limit the number of

notifications sent." (Figure 3)




4.  Click


5.  Click


Note: Read below for a detailed explanation of the how the

notification facilities in Backup Exec work.



Backup Exec allows the backup

operator to set up notifications on three levels within Backup Exec.

  • Alert

    Category Level
  • Policy

    / Backup Job / Restore Job / Level
  • Selection

    list level

Alert Category Level

Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 4 displays how to navigate to the Alert Categories window in

Backup Exec and the notification related areas are highlighted with red boxes in

Figure 5.

Backup Exec allows notifications for various alert categories

or states that may occur during the operation of the software. Simply select the

alert category from the Alert Categories list box (Figure 5), select the "Send

notifications to selected recipients" check box and then nominate the relevant

recipients. For a job log to be sent with the notification, select the "Include

job log with a notification to an e-mail or printer recipient" check


When notifications are set at this level, Backup Exec will notify

the selected recipients whenever this alert category or state is entered. This

means any job or component of Backup Exec that uses the alert

selected will send notifications to the recipients that are configured for the

alert category.

Policy / Backup Job / Restore Job and Selection List


Figure 6



red boxes in Figure 6 again highlight the areas of interest in the Backup Job

properties window. Note: The areas highlighted will be

available depending on which area of the program is open.  For example, the

selection list creation / modification window will only have the Selection List

Notification section, backup job properties and restore job properties will have

all of these notification sections.

If both "Selection List

Notification" under "Source" and "Notification" under Settings is configured,

then Backup Exec will send out two sets of notifications to the

recipients that have been configured. One set of notifications will be sent out

related to the selection list and another will be sent out for the actual job

completion. If include job logs has been chosen, then it will also be attached

to each set of notifications if e-mail or printer notifications are



There are multiple levels of

notifications in Backup Exec. There is a general "Alert" level of notifications,

a "Job" level of notifications and a "Selection list" level of notifications.

All of these levels are controlled by the configuration settings that

are set for each recipient in the Tools--> Recipients --> SMTP Mail tab.

In this tab, the "Limit the number of notifications sent" area is very

important. The settings here dictate whether or not a recipient receives a

notification or not.

When enabled, the default value is "Notify me a

maximum of 5 times within 5 minutes
." The "Reset the notification limits

after 15 minutes
" check box is not selected by default.

If the

"Reset the notification limits after 15 minutes" check box is left

unchecked, after the notifications number sent reaches the maximum configured

for that recipient they will not receive any further notifications. If this

check box is checked, after the 15 minutes (if using the default value) elapses

this recipient is able to receive up to his maximum limit of notifications until

the reset notification limit time interval elapses and the notification limit

counters for this recipient are again met.

If recipients are

receiving more than one notification for a single event it is because Backup

Exec was configured to send a combination of alert level notifications, job

level notifications and possibly selection list notifications.
