Requirement: Sendmail, logall.c and CentOS 5
1. Please make sure the following are installed: -
2. Download the sendmail source rpm using the link below: -
3. Go to “Subject: Q4.20 — How can I automatically copy messages based on sender or recipient addresses?” in website using the link below: -
4. Download the Axel Reinhold’s logall.c module using the link below: -
5. Install the sendmail source rpm using the command below: -
rpm -ivh sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5.src.rpm
6. Extract the sendmail source file using the command below: -
tar xvfz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/sendmail.8.13.8.tar.gz -C /tmp
7. Add the following line into this file /tmp/sendmail-8.13.8/sendmail/conf.c at line 1312 as below: -
#include "/tmp/logall.c"
8. Below is the partial content of /tmp/sendmail-8.13.8/sendmail/conf.c file: -
if (tTd(49, 1))
sm_dprintf("checkcompat(to=%s, from=%s)\n",
to->q_paddr, e->e_from.q_paddr);
#include "/tmp/logall.c"
9. Save the file and create a new sendmail archive using the command below: -
cd /tmp
tar cvfz sendmail.8.13.8.tar.gz sendmail-8.13.8
10. Backup the original sendmail archive using the following command below: -
cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
mv sendmail.8.13.8.tar.gz /tmp/sendmail.8.13.8.tar.gz-ori
11. Copy the new sendmail archive into the installed source sendmail rpm using the following command below: -
cp sendmail.8.13.8.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
12. Let’s build the sendmail binary package only from the spec file using the command below: -
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
rpmbuild -bb sendmail.spec
13. Let’s install the new sendmail binary package using the following command below: -
cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
rpm --force -Uvh sendmail-8.13.8-2%{dist}.i386.rpm sendmail-cf-8.13.8-2%{dist}.i386.rpm
14. Edit the sendmail config file /etc/mail/ and add the following line below before this line “# level 10 config file format”: -
# logall.c
15. Below is the partial content of /etc/mail/ file: -
# logall.c
# level 10 config file format
16. Restart the sendmail service using the following command below: -
service sendmail restart
17. Create the email accout called “logall” using the following command below: -
useradd logall
passwd logall
touch /var/spool/mail/logall
chown logall:logall /var/spool/mail/logall
18. Let’s send an email to a user using the following command below: -
echo "Test" | mail -s "TEST" wlsiew
19. Let’s check the content of the file /var/spool/mail/logall using the following command below: -
cat /var/spool/mail/logall
20. Below is the content of /var/spool/mail/logall file: -
From root Wed Sep 12 20:37:13 2007
Received: from localhost.localdomain (localhost.localdomain [])
by localhost.localdomain (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id l8CDbDAV008813
for ; Wed, 12 Sep 2007 20:37:13 +0800
Full-Name: root
Received: (from root@localhost)
by localhost.localdomain (8.13.8/8.13.8/Submit) id l8CDbDR2008812
for wlsiew; Wed, 12 Sep 2007 20:37:13 +0800
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 20:37:13 +0800
From: root
Message-Id: <200709121337.l8CDbDR2008812@localhost.localdomain>
To: wlsiew@localhost.localdomain
Subject: TEST
X-Logged: Logged by localhost.localdomain as l8CDbDAV008813 at Wed Sep 12 20:37:13 2007