Wednesday, August 26, 2009

cakephp The requested address '/' was not found on this server

SkyHi @ Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Error: The requested address ” was not found on this server

Written by: Maciej Grajcarek
Date May 3, 2008

Last night, during installation of the CakePHP application on clients production server, a weird problem appeared. All requests to controllers actions returned : “Error: The requested address ” was not found on this server”. At the same time, access to webroot was incessant.

If you have the same problem, try this three steps:

* make sure you have an access to the database, and there are all necessary tables,
* check if you tmp folder is writable,
* delete all app/tmp/cache files from the tmp subfolders.

That should fix the problem.
