Q. How do I block some1@domain.com or IP address for Sendmail spammers?
A. Sendmail offers various options to block an email address, domain name or IP address using access database.
File /etc/mail/access act as an access control for your Sendmail smtp server. With this file you can define:
1. Who we accept mail from
2. Who we accept relaying from
3. Who we will not send to etc
# vi /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
Make sure following line exists in your configuration file (otherwise you need to add/append following line):
Save the file and exit to shell prompt. Now, open /etc/mail/access file:
# vi /etc/mail/access
To block junk or spam mail use following format
spam@domain.com REJECT REJECT REJECT
Save the file. Once sendmail.mc or access file is modified, you need to regenerate /etc/mail/sendmail.cf or rebuild the access database. Type any one of the following commands:
# cd /etc/mail
# make
# m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
Restart the sendmail:
# /etc/init.d/sendmail restart
Other options supported by access database
* OK - Accept email FROM: or TO: specified address
* DISCARD - Do not accept email FROM: or TO: specified address
* REJECT - Drop email with an error FROM: or TO: specified address
* HATER - Use check_mail and check_realy rules for email
* FRIEND - Do not use check_mail and check_realy rules for email
* ERROR:ecode:etext - Drop email with specified error code (ecode) and error text message (etext).
abc.com ERROR:550:Relay denied
FROM:mail@fack.net REJECT
TO:foo@bar.com REJECT
Spam:abuse@ FRIEND
Connect: ERROR:5.7.1:550: Relay denied
How do I test access database is working or not?
Use sendmail with -bt option as follows:
# sendmail รข€“bt
> check_mail user@abc.com
OR use telnet command:
# telnet localhost 25
HELO localhost
MAIL FROM:user@abc.com
In both case you should get relay denied error.
See also:Test mail server for an open relay (http://www.cyberciti.biz/nixcraft/vivek/blogger/2006/04/test-mail-server-for-open-relay.php)
Reference: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/sendmail-blocking-spam-email-id-ips-with-access-database/
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sendmail blocking spam email id, ips with access database
— SkyHi @ Friday, September 04, 2009