Dump a single table to a SQL file:
<code>mysqldump -uuser -ppassword dbName tableName > backup.sql</code>
If you want to get or restore a single table from a large MySQL dump file you can use the following methods:
Using AWK
Using Ruby
Using Perl:
<code>#!/usr/bin/perl -wn<br />BEGIN {<br /> $table = shift @ARGV;<br /> $printing = 0;<br />}<br />$printing = 1 if /^create table $table\b/io;<br />exit if $printing && /^create table (?!$table)\b/io;<br />print if $printing;</code>
<code>perl gettablefromdump.pl tablename dumpfile.sql<br /><br />Reference: <a href="http://www.sysadmin.md/backup-and-restore-a-single-mysql-table.html">http://www.sysadmin.md/backup-and-restore-a-single-mysql-table.html</a><br /></code>