#!/bin/bash #shopt -s -o noclobber #shopt -s -o nounset #Description: Bash script to back up Linux, MySQL, Apache2, VMware Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox, Palm WebOS, and more. #Written By: Jeff White (jwhite530@gmail.com) #Version Number: 1.8 #Revision Date: 8-20-2011 #License: This script is released under version three (3) of the GNU General Public License (GPL) of the FSF, the text of which is available at http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ##This is a free script, you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. #SECURITY NOTES AND CONSIDERATIONS: -- READ THIS -- #+This script will accept any host key if it does not already know of one. If you are a victim of a man-in-the-middle attack the first time you talk to the client, #+this script will blindly accept the host key (but most users would do that same thing iteractively). Be sure to secure the destination of your backups as important files #+such as shadow files and entire databases will be there (obviously). Ensure all files which hold passwords used by this script are only readable by the user who #+will run the script (owned by that user with a mode of 600). Protect your SSH keys just as would your password. Data transferred via some options is not encrypted. #+By giving your backupuser sudo access to run rsync as root you are pretty much giving the user full root access since it can use rsync to copy a different sudoers or shadow file then do anything as root. #KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS: #+ For the MySQL option it eventually does a command which looks like: ssh backupuser@mysqlserver mysqldump --username=foo --password=badpass... #+ This means anyone loooking at the process list on the backup server will see the username and password being used for MySQL. #Prerequisites: This script assumes that on all clients: a backup user specified in $sshuser exists, password-less SSH logons are permitted, that user has /bin/bash as a default shell, that user has a #+writable home directory, and password-less sudo privileges are given to that user for the needed commands. The /etc/sudoers files on the backup server should look like: #+backupuser backupservername = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync,/bin/rm,/bin/chown #+On the client it should look like: #+backupuser backupclientrname = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync #WebOS option: -w #+Client dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (daemon), rsync (client), ipkg, sudo #++You'll need to install most of this software yourself, WebOS does not come with it. You should also use Wifi, not EVDO/3G. #+Server dependencies: Bash, rsync (daemon), OpenSSH (client and server) #Linux OS option: -l #+Client dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (daemon), rsync (client), sort, [apt-cache + dpkg || rpm || ipkg], sudo #+Server dependencies: Bash, rsync (daemon), OpenSSH (client and server) #+To use the package list on Debian-like systems use: dpkg --set-selections < /path/to/packages_list && apt-get -u dselect-upgrade #getmail option: -g #+Server dependencies: getmail4 (and its configuration) #+This is designed for gmail but would work with any pop/imap email. See the getmail Website for information on how to set up the config file, but here's mine: #+/etc/getmail/patheticpurplepenguin-gmail.com #[retriever] #type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever #server =imap.gmail.com #username = patheticpurplepenguin@gmail.com #password = longandcomplicatedtobesecure ##mailboxes = ("[Gmail]/All Mail",) #If you want it all... #mailboxes = ("Inbox","School","Work") #[destination] #type = Mboxrd #path = /media/Data/Backup/patheticpurplepenguin-gmail.com/ALL.mbox #[options] #verbose = 2 #message_log = /var/log/getmail.log #read_all = false #delivered_to = false #received = false #delete = false #Apache option: -a #+Client dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (daemon), rsync (client), sudo #+Server dependencies: Bash, rsync (daemon), OpenSSH (client) #MySQL option: -m #+Client dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (daemon), mysqldump #+Server dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (client) #+Create a file at /etc/mysql/mysql.cred which contains the MySQL credentials as such: #user=someuser #password=somepass #+Make sure only your backupuser account can read this: chown backupuser:backupuser /etc/mysql/mysql.creds && chmod 660 /etc/mysql/mysql.creds #+Use the following create statement to create a backup user in MySQL: #CREATE USER 'backupuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'CHANGEPASSHERE'; #+Use the following grant statement to allow the user to back up the data: #GRANT SHOW DATABASES, SELECT, LOCK TABLES, RELOAD ON *.* to backupuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'CHANGEPASSHERE';FLUSH PRIVILEGES; #+MySQL slaves also need to add an additional grant: #GRANT SUPER ON *.* to backupuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'CHANGEPASSHERE';FLUSH PRIVILEGES; #+These lines may be useful for backing up a slave, do your research before using this and know how your servers are set up. #$sshbin $sshuser@$mysqlsrv "mysqladmin --user='$mysqluser' --password='$mysqlpass' stop-slave" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to stop MySQL slave replication on $mysqlsrv." 1>> $log #Only needed for slave servers, #$sshbin $sshuser@$mysqlsrv "mysqladmin --user='$mysqluser' --password='$mysqlpass' start-slave" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to start MySQL slave replication on $mysqlsrv." 1>> $log #Only needed for slave servers, #mysqlrsyncfiles=( "/etc/my.cnf" "/var/lib/mysql/master.info" "/var/lib/mysql/relay-log.info") #for eachfile in "${mysqlrsyncfiles[@]}";do #scp -q $sshuser@$mysqlsrv:$eachfile /backup/someserver/$eachfile || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to scp MySQL slave file $eachfile on $mysqlsrv." 1>> $log #done #VMware Workstation option: -v #+Client dependencies: Bash, OpenSSH (daemon), rsync (client), vmrun, VMware Workstation, sudo (Add to /etc/sudoers: backupuser backupclientname = (userwhorunsvms) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vmrun) #+Server dependencies: Bash, rsync (daemon), OpenSSH (client) #Oracle VirtualBox option: -o #+Client dependencies: Bash, Oracle Virtualbox, OpenSSH (server), rsync (client) #+Server dependencies: Bash, rsync (daemon), OpenSSH (client) #E-mail notification option: -n #+Server dependencies: mail (already configured to be able to send mail, I use ssmtp for this but any MTA should work) #To do: add Android option, add Tomato (firewall) option: http://tomatousb.org/tut:backup-settings-logs-more-to-usb-drive-script #Needed binaries: If you want to trust $PATH instead, just use "rsync" instead of "/usr/bin/rsync" rsyncbin="/usr/bin/rsync" sedbin="/bin/sed" datebin="/bin/date" sshkeyscanbin="/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan" sshbin="/usr/bin/ssh" getmailbin="/usr/bin/getmail" sudobin="/usr/bin/sudo" findbin="/usr/bin/find" dirnamebin="/usr/bin/dirname" awkbin="/usr/bin/awk" teebin="/usr/bin/tee" bcbin="/usr/bin/bc" grepbin="/bin/grep" cutbin="/usr/bin/cut" catbin="/bin/cat" mvbin="/bin/mv" mkdirbin="/bin/mkdir" rmbin="/bin/rm" lsbin="/bin/ls" sleepbin="/bin/sleep" cpbin="/bin/cp" xargsbin="/usr/bin/xargs" touchbin="/usr/bin/touch" vmrunbin="/usr/bin/vmrun" revbin="/usr/bin/rev" scpbin="/usr/bin/scp" #General configuration - you must set these no matter what option you are using! script=${0##*/} log=/var/log/backup/$($datebin +%Y-%m-%d)-$script.log rsyncbkup="backupuser@" #This is where data will be backed up to. rsyncopt="--stats --delete --exclude .gvfs --exclude .cache --exclude .thumbnails --exclude Cache --exclude cache --exclude tmp" rsynccl="$rsyncbin -alpEA $rsyncopt" bkupdir="/media/Data/Backup" #Local path to the backup directory here. This should match the directory that $rsyncbkup leads to. sshuser="backupuser" sshport="22" email="jwhite530.auto@gmail.com" #E-mail used for notifications if enabled. lockdir="/tmp/$script.lock" #Make sure your backup user can write to this directory. numdailydumpfiles="8" #Number of daily policy files or MySQL dumps to keep. numweeklydumpfiles="5" #Number of weekly policy files or MySQL dumps to keep. nummonthlydumpfiles="13" #Number of monthly policy files or MySQL dumps to keep. numyearlydumpfiles="5" #Number of yearly policy files or MySQL dumps to keep. numrunlogfiles="365" #Number of script error logs to keep. #WebOS configuration webossrc=( "Tangelo" ) #Add Palm WebOS backup sources here, double quoted, space delimited. #Linux OS configuration linos="/etc /boot /var/log /var/mail /var/games /var/spool/cron /usr/local /opt /home /root" #Change source directories to be backed up on Linux machines here. linbkupsrc=( "Indigo" "Cyan" "Teal" "Viridian" "Urobilin" ) #Add Linux backup sources here, double quoted, space delimited. cat << EOF > /tmp/exclude_linuxos /proc /sys /selinux /mnt /afs /dev/shm /media .gvfs .cache Cache cache .truecrypt* pub mysql sql tc tc2 EOF #Getmail configuration gmconfdir="/etc/getmail" #Location of the GetMail config files. gmconffile=( "$gmconfdir/jwhite530.auto-gmail.com" "$gmconfdir/jwhite530-gmail.com" "$gmconfdir/patheticpurplepenguin-gmail.com" "$gmconfdir/jeffwhite530-gmail.com" ) #The GetMail config files, quoted and space delmited. #VMware configuration vmwrkstnsvr="Cyan" #The hostname of the VMware Workstation host. rsyncvmwarevmdir="white@" #The source location of the VMs. localvmwarevmdir="/media/VM" #This should be where $rsyncvmwarevmdir leads to #Oracle VirtualBox configuration vboxsvr="Cyan" vboxmanage="/usr/bin/VBoxManage" vboxvmdir="/home/jaw171/VM" #MySQL configuration mysqlsrv="Viridian" #The hostname of the MySQL server. mysqluser=$($awkbin -F'=' '$1 ~ /user/ { print $2 }' /etc/mysql/mysql.cred) mysqlpass=$($awkbin -F'=' '$1 ~ /pass/ { print $2 }' /etc/mysql/mysql.cred) #Apache2 configuration apachesrv="Viridian" #The hostname of the Apache2 server. apacheserverroot="/etc/apache2" #Where the config files are held. apachedocroot="/www" #Where the Website files are held. Delimted by a single space if using multiple directories. #Custom settings for my network rsyncdata="white@" #You shouldn't need to change these date="$datebin +%m-%d-%Y" #The date format to go into the log. time="$datebin +%r" #The time format to go into the log. bkupsrv=$(echo $rsyncbkup | $cutbin --delimiter="@" -f2 | $cutbin --delimiter=":" -f1) startdate=$($date) #Usedn for logging starttime=$($time) #Used for logging btime=$($datebin -u +%s) #Used for time calculation OPTSTRING=":wanvmldghopPV" virtualboxopt=0;laptoplinopt=0;laptopwinopt=0;wosopt=0;apacheopt=0;getmailopt=0;emailnotifyopt=0;vmwareopt=0;mysqlopt=0;linosopt=0; #Unset variables are icky remotenason=0;fatalerrnum=0;errnum=0;logfail=0;bytessentrcvdtotal=0;scriptcanceled=0;lockfail=0;dataopt=0;verbosity=0 #Unset variables are icky PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin #Start with a known $PATH umask 007 function _printerr { echo "$1" 1>&2 } function _handletrap { scriptcanceled=1 _printoutput exit 2 } function _calctransmitteddata { bytessentrcvdtotal=$($awkbin -F': ' '(/bytes sent/||/bytes received/)&&(!/connection unexpectedly closed/) { SUM += $2 } END { printf "%.f\n", SUM }' $log) if [ "$bytessentrcvdtotal" -lt "1048576" ];then calcedtotalbytes=$(echo "scale=2;$bytessentrcvdtotal/1024" | $bcbin) unit="KB" elif [ "$bytessentrcvdtotal" -lt "1073741824" ];then calcedtotalbytes=$(echo "scale=2;$bytessentrcvdtotal/1024/1024" | $bcbin) unit="MB" elif [ "$bytessentrcvdtotal" -lt "1099511627776" ];then calcedtotalbytes=$(echo "scale=2;$bytessentrcvdtotal/1024/1024/1024" | $bcbin) unit="GB" elif [ "$bytessentrcvdtotal" -lt "1125899906842624" ];then calcedtotalbytes=$(echo "scale=2;$bytessentrcvdtotal/1024/1024/1024/1024" | $bcbin) unit="TB" fi } function _makeoutput { enddate=$($date) #Used for logging endtime=$($time) #Used for logging etime=$($datebin -u +%s) #Used for time calculation totalsec=$((etime - btime)) durdays=$(($totalsec / 86400)) durhours=$(( ($totalsec - ($durdays * 86400)) / 3600)) durmin=$(( (($totalsec - ($durdays * 86400)) - ($durhours * 3600)) / 60)) remsec=$(( (($totalsec - ($durdays * 86400)) - ($durhours * 3600)) - ($durmin * 60) )) if [ ! -w "$log" -o "$logfail" = "1" ];then fatalerrnum=1 errtext="Log could not be accessed or could not be rotated: $log" else fatalerrnum=$($grepbin -c "FATAL ERROR " "$log") errnum=$($grepbin -c "ERROR " "$log") errtext=$($grepbin "ERROR " "$log") fi echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "Server: $HOSTNAME" echo "Script name: $script" echo "Script location: $($dirnamebin $0)" if [ "$lockfail" != "1" -a "$logfail" != "1" ];then echo "Log: $log" fi [ "$linosopt" = 1 ] && echo "Linux OS option enabled for: ${linbkupsrc[*]}." [ "$wosopt" = 1 ] && echo "WebOS option enabled for: ${webossrc[*]}." [ "$apacheopt" = 1 ] && echo "Apache2 option enabled for: $apachesrv." [ "$vmwareopt" = 1 ] && echo "VMware option enabled." [ "$virtualboxopt" = 1 ] && echo "Oracle VirtualBox enabled." [ "$mysqlopt" = 1 ] && echo "MySQL option enabled for: $mysqlsrv" [ "$emailnotifyopt" = 1 ] && echo "E-mail notification enabled for: $email." [ "$getmailopt" = 1 ] && echo "Getmail option enabled for ${gmconffile[*]}" echo "Start: $startdate - $starttime" echo "End: $enddate - $endtime" echo "Duration: $durdays days, $durhours hours, $durmin minutes, $remsec seconds" if [ "$lockfail" != "1" -a "$logfail" != "1" ];then echo "Data transferred: $calcedtotalbytes $unit (excluding any transmisions that errored out and some forms of compression)" fi echo " " if [ "$lockfail" != "0" ]; then logger -t "$script" "FATAL error: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with a FATAL error (Cannot acquire lock, $script may already be running. If not, remove $lockdir)." echo "Failed with a FATAL error (Cannot acquire lock, $script may already be running. If not, remove $lockdir)." elif [ "$fatalerrnum" != "0" ]; then logger -t "$script" "FATAL error: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with a FATAL error." echo "Failed with a FATAL error." echo "$errtext" elif [ "$scriptcanceled" = "1" ]; then logger -t "$script" "Canceled: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME was canceled." echo "Canceled." elif [ "$errnum" = "0" ]; then logger -t "$script" "Success: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME completed successfully." echo "Completed successfully!" else logger -t "$script" "Errors: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with $errnum errors." echo "Failed with $errnum error(s), check the log." fi echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" } function _mailoutput { if [ ! -w "$log" -o "$logfail" = "1" ];then fatalerrnum=1 errtext="Logs could not be accessed." else fatalerrnum=$($grepbin -c "FATAL ERROR" "$log") errnum=$($grepbin -c "ERROR" "$log") errtext=$($grepbin "ERROR" "$log") fi if [ "$lockfail" != "0" ]; then _makeoutput|mail -s "FATAL error: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with a FATAL error (Cannot acquire lock, $script may already be running. If not, remove $lockdir)." $email elif [ "$fatalerrnum" != 0 ]; then _makeoutput|mail -s "FATAL error: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with a FATAL error." $email elif [ "$scriptcanceled" = "1" ]; then _makeoutput|mail -s "Canceled: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME was canceled." $email elif [ "$errnum" = 0 ]; then _makeoutput|mail -s "Success: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME completed successfully." $email elif [ "$errnum" = 1 ]; then _makeoutput|mail -s "Error: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with 1 error." $email else _makeoutput|mail -s "Errors: Backup $script on $HOSTNAME failed with $errnum errors." $email fi } function _printoutput { if [ "$emailnotifyopt" != 1 -a "$lockfail" = "1" ]; then _makeoutput elif [ "$emailnotifyopt" = 1 -a "$lockfail" = "1" ]; then _makeoutput | _mailoutput _makeoutput elif [ "$emailnotifyopt" != 1 -a "$logfail" = "1" ]; then _makeoutput elif [ "$emailnotifyopt" = 1 -a "$logfail" = "1" ]; then _makeoutput | _mailoutput _makeoutput elif [ "$emailnotifyopt" != 1 -a "$lockfail" != "1" ]; then _calctransmitteddata _makeoutput | $teebin -a $log elif [ "$emailnotifyopt" = 1 -a "$lockfail" != "1" ]; then _calctransmitteddata _makeoutput | _mailoutput _makeoutput | $teebin -a $log fi if [ "$lockfail" != "1" ]; then $rmbin -rf $lockdir #Remove the lockdir when exiting, but only if this iteration of the script created it. fi } trap _handletrap 1 2 3 15 # Terminate script when receiving signal while getopts "$OPTSTRING" OPT; do #The remotenason and DATOPT options are custom for my network. case $OPT in w) wosopt=1 ;; a) apacheopt=1 ;; g) getmailopt=1 ;; n) emailnotifyopt=1 ;; v) vmwareopt=1 remotenason=1 echo "WARNING - Your VMs will be paused and inaccessible during the backup when using the VMware Workstation option." ;; o) echo "WARING - $LINENO - The Oracle VirtualBox option has not been configured, disabling the option. If it has, remove this from the script." | $teebin -a $log ;; #virtualboxopt=0 ;; m) mysqlopt=1 ;; l) linosopt=1 ;; d) dataopt=1 remotenason=1;; r) remotenason=1 ;; p) laptoplinopt=1 ;; P) laptopwinopt=1 ;; V) verbosity=1 ;; h) $catbin << EOF Usage: $script {-w -a -v -m -l -d -p -P -n -V -h} -w : Enables the Palm WebOS option -g : Enables the getmail option -a : Enables the Apache2 option -v : Enables the VMware option -o : Enables the Oracle VirtualBox option -m : Enables the MySQL option -l : Enables the Linux OS option -d : Enables the datastore option -p : Enables the laptop Linux option -P : Enables the laptop Windows option -n : Enables E-mail notifications -V : Enables verbosity (stderr prints to the console, stdout still goes to the log) -h : Shows this help Note: Running this script with no options causes it to go through sanity checking then exit without backing anything up. EOF exit 0 ;; \?) _printerr "FATAL ERROR: Invalid option \"$OPTARG\" (Use -h for help)" exit 192 ;; esac done if $mkdirbin "$lockdir" &> /dev/null;then echo "Successfully acquired lock: $lockdir" else _printerr "FATAL ERROR - $LINENO - Cannot acquire lock, $script may already be running. If not, remove $lockdir." lockfail=1 _printoutput exit 1 fi if [ -f $log ];then #Rotate logs numoldbak=$($lsbin $log* | $grepbin -c $log-*'[1-9]') while (( $numoldbak > 0 ));do $mvbin $log-$numoldbak $log-$(( $numoldbak + 1 )) if [ $? != 0 ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to rotate old rotation of $log." logfail=1 _printoutput exit 1 fi numoldbak=$(( $numoldbak - 1 )) done $mvbin $log ${log}-1 if [ $? != 0 ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to rotate $log." logfail=1 _printoutput exit 1 fi fi if [ $verbosity = 0 ];then exec 2>>$log #All errors go to the log from now on. fi echo "$($time) - Checking sanity" 1>>$log if [ -z .$BASH. ]; then _printerr "FATAL ERROR - $LINENO - Please run this script with the BASH shell. EXITING" 1>>$log exit 192 fi if [ ! -w $($dirnamebin $log) ]; then _printerr "FATAL ERROR - $LINENO - Log directory not writable or could not be created. EXITING" 1>>$log logfail=1 _printoutput exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $bkupdir ]; then _printerr "FATAL ERROR - $LINENO - $bkupdir does not exist or is not a directory. EXITING" 1>>$log _printoutput exit 1 fi if [ ! -f /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts ];then $touchbin /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create known host key list for SSH." 1>>$log fi if [ "$remotenason" = 1 ]; then #Custom part just for my network. if ! $grepbin -i teal /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Teal:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa teal 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Teal to known host key list." fi $sshbin $sshuser@teal -p $sshport "{ $grepbin "/media/Backup" /proc/mounts &> /dev/null || _printerr 'FATAL ERROR - $LINENO - Backup RAID not mounted on Teal (NAS). EXITING' }" 1>>$log if $grepbin "Backup RAID not mounted" $log &> /dev/null; then _printoutput exit 1 fi fi echo "$($date) - $($time) - Starting run of $script. Additional details at the end of the log." | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Environment is sane, starting backup." | $teebin -a $log logger -t "$script" "Starting run of $script." if [ "$laptoplinopt" = 1 ];then echo "$($time) - Backing up Linux OS on Sangria" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and creating required directories." 1>>$log reqdir=( "$bkupdir/Sangria" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Temp" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Daily" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Weekly" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Monthly" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Yearly" ) for eachreqdir in "${reqdir[@]}";do if [ ! -d "$eachreqdir" ]; then $mkdirbin -p "$eachreqdir" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create $eachreqdir." 1>>$log if [ "$?" != "0" ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create $eachreqdir on $bkupsrv for Sangria." 1>>$log continue fi fi done echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i sangria /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Sangria:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa sangria 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Sagria to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Starting remote commands." 1>>$log if $sshbin $sshuser@Sangria -p $sshport : 1>>$log; then #Verify SSH works echo "$($time) - Creating package list." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@Sangria -p $sshport "{ if which dpkg &>/dev/null; then dpkg --get-selections || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Package creation with dpkg failed on Sangria!" 1>&2 else echo "ERROR - $LINENO - No package management binary dpkg, rpm, or ipkg found on Sangria, unable to create package list!" 1>&2 fi }" 1> "${bkupdir}/Sangria/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" echo "$($time) - Starting rsync." 1>>$log $sudobin $rsyncbin -aDHAX --stats --delete --exclude-from=/tmp/exclude_linuxos -e "$sudobin -u $sshuser $sshbin -l $sshuser -p $sshport" --rsync-path="$sudobin $rsyncbin" Sangria:/ ${bkupdir}/Sangria/OS 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Linux OS backup on Sangria failed." echo "$($time) - Checking and rotating package list." 1>>$log if [ -s "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" ];then #If the package dump exists and is non-zero in size, copy the daily and move on. $mvbin -f "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new daily package list dump for Sangria." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Daily/*-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log | $awkbin --assign=numdailydumpfiles=$numdailydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numdailydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old daily package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log if [ $($datebin +%a) = "Sat" ];then #Copy the weekly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Weekly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new weekly package list dump for Sangria." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Weekly/*-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log | $awkbin --assign=numweeklydumpfiles=$numweeklydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numweeklydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old weekly package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log fi if [ $($datebin +%d) = "01" ];then #Copy the monthly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Monthly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new monthly package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Monthly/*-Installed-Packages-Sangria.lo"g | $awkbin --assign=nummonthlydumpfiles=$nummonthlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > nummonthlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old monthly package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log fi if [ $($datebin +%j) = "001" ];then #Copy the yearly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/Sangria/PackagesL/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Yearly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new yearly package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t "$bkupdir/Sangria/Packages/Yearly/*-Installed-Packages-Sangria.log" | $awkbin --assign=numyearlydumpfiles=$numyearlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numyearlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old yearly package dump list for Sangria." 1>>$log fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Package list of Sangria failed (zero length backup file or it doesn't exist), keeping old list (if one exist)." fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to backup source Sangria failed. Skipping client." fi fi if [ "$laptopwinopt" = 1 ];then echo "$($time) - Backing up Windows 7 on Sangria" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i sangria /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Sangria:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa sangria 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Sangria to known host key list." fi if $sshbin $sshuser@Sangria -p $sshport : 1>>$log; then #Verify SSH works echo "$($time) - Checking and rotating dd images." 1>>$log if [ -f /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz.old ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Old rotated windows partition dd image exists, cannot continue backing up Windows 7 on Sangria." 1>>$log else if [ -f /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz ];then $mvbin /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz.old 1>>$log fi echo "$($time) - Creating new dd image." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@Sangria -p $sshport "$sudobin dd if=/dev/sda3 | pigz 2>/dev/null" | dd of=/media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz 2> /dev/null 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Windows partition dump from Sangria failed." 1>>$log if [ ! -s /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Windows partition dd image does not exist or is zero bytes from Sangria." 1>>$log else echo "Total bytes received: $($lsbin -l /media/Data/Backup/Sangria/sda3-win7.dd.gz | $cutbin -d' ' -f5)" 1>>$log fi fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to backup source Sangria failed. Skipping client." 1>>$log fi fi if [ "$wosopt" = 1 ]; then #WARNING - THIS OPTION IS OLD AND UNMAINTAINED. for wosclient in "${webossrc[@]}";do echo "$($time) - Backing up WebOS on $wosclient" | $teebin -a $log [ -d "$bkupdir/$wosclient/Packages" ] || $mkdirbin -p "$bkupdir/$wosclient/Packages" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create package list directory on $bkupsrv for $wosclient." if ! $grepbin -i $wosclient /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for $wosclient:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa $wosclient 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts if [ $? != 0 ];then $sedbin -e "/Host key for $wosclient:/d" /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts 1> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove hsot key header from /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts. The real hostkey will not be automatically accepted next time!" _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for $wosclient to known host key list." fi fi if $sshbin $sshuser@$wosclient -o ConnectionAttempts=1 -p $sshport : 1>>$log; then #Verify SSH works on all WebOS clients $sshbin $sshuser@$wosclient -p $sshport -o ConnectionAttempts=10 "{ $sudobin mount -n -o remount,rw / || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remount root directory on $wosclient to r/w." $mkdirbin /home/backupuser/.Packages || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create working directory on $wosclient." ipkg status 1>/home/backupuser/.Packages/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$wosclient.log || (_printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Package creation with ipkg on $wosclient failed!";$touchbin /home/backupuser/.Packages/FAIL) if [ ! -f /home/backupuser/.Packages/FAIL ]; then $sudobin $rsyncbin -alpEh /home/backupuser/.Packages/ $rsyncbkup/$wosclient/Packages || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to transfer package list on $wosclient." else _printerr "Error - $LINENO - Unable to create package list on $wosclient." fi $rmbin -rf /home/backupuser/.Packages || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove working directory on $wosclient." $sudobin mount -n -o remount,ro / || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remount root directory on $wosclient to r/o." $sudobin $rsyncbin -alpEtR --stats --delete --exclude .gvfs /media/internal /opt/etc /var/luna/data/dbdata /home $rsyncbkup/$wosclient || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - rsync on $wosclient failed." }" 1>>$log else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to WebOS backup client $wosclient failed. Skipping client." 1>>$log fi done fi if [ "$linosopt" = 1 ]; then #Linux OS section for linclient in "${linbkupsrc[@]}";do echo "$($time) - Backing up Linux OS on $linclient" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and creating required directories." 1>>$log reqdir=( "$bkupdir/$linclient" "$bkupdir/$linclient/OS" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Temp" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Daily" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Weekly" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Monthly" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Yearly" ) for eachreqdir in "${reqdir[@]}";do if [ ! -d "$eachreqdir" ]; then $mkdirbin -p "$eachreqdir" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create $eachreqdir." if [ "$?" != "0" ];then _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create $eachreqdir on $bkupsrv for $linclient." 1>>$log continue fi fi done echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i $linclient /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts 1> /dev/null; then echo "Host key for $linclient:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa $linclient 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for $linclient to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Starting remote commands." 1>>$log if [ "$linclient" = "Viridian" ];then #For the hosts in my DMZ rsyncbkup="backupuser@" else rsyncbkup="backupuser@" fi if $sshbin $sshuser@$linclient -p $sshport : 1>>$log; then #Verify SSH works echo "$($time) - Creating package list." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@$linclient -p $sshport "{ if which dpkg &>/dev/null; then dpkg --get-selections || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Package creation with dpkg failed on ${linclient}!" 1>&2 elif which rpm &>/dev/null; then rpm -qa || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Package creation with rpm failed on ${linclient}!" 1>&2 elif which ipkg &>/dev/null; then ipkg status || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Package creation with ipkg failed on ${linclient}!" 1>&2 else echo "ERROR - $LINENO - No package management binary dpkg, rpm, or ipkg found on ${linclient}, unable to create package list!" 1>&2 fi }" 1> "${bkupdir}/${linclient}/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-${linclient}.log" echo "$($time) - Starting rsync." 1>>$log $sudobin $rsyncbin -aDHAX --stats --delete --exclude-from=/tmp/exclude_linuxos -e "$sudobin -u $sshuser $sshbin -l $sshuser -p $sshport" --rsync-path="$sudobin $rsyncbin" ${linclient}:/ ${bkupdir}/${linclient}/OS 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Linux OS backup on $linclient failed." echo "$($time) - Checking and rotating package list." 1>>$log if [ -s $bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log ];then #If the package dump exists and is non-zero in size, copy the daily and move on. $mvbin -f "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Temp/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new daily package list dump for $linclient." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Daily/*-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log | $awkbin --assign=numdailydumpfiles=$numdailydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numdailydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old daily package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log if [ $($datebin +%a) = "Sat" ];then #Copy the weekly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Weekly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new weekly package list dump for $linclient." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Weekly/*-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log | $awkbin --assign=numweeklydumpfiles=$numweeklydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numweeklydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old weekly package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log fi if [ $($datebin +%d) = "01" ];then #Copy the monthly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Monthly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new monthly package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Monthly/*-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log | $awkbin --assign=nummonthlydumpfiles=$nummonthlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > nummonthlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log|| _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old monthly package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log fi if [ $($datebin +%j) = "001" ];then #Copy the yearly $cpbin -f "$bkupdir/$linclient/PackagesL/Daily/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Yearly/$($date)-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new yearly package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log $lsbin -1 -t "$bkupdir/$linclient/Packages/Yearly/*-Installed-Packages-$linclient.log" | $awkbin --assign=numyearlydumpfiles=$numyearlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numyearlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old yearly package dump list for $linclient." 1>>$log fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Package list of $linclient failed (zero length backup file or it doesn't exist), keeping old list (if one exist)." fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to backup source $linclient failed. Skipping client." fi done fi if [ "$getmailopt" = "1" ];then echo "$($time) - Backing up email." | $teebin -a $log for eachgmconffile in "${gmconffile[@]}";do echo "Working on $eachgmconffile" | $teebin -a $log mboxfile=$($awkbin -F'=' '/^path/ {print $2}' $eachgmconffile) 1>>$log echo "$($time) - Making mail directory at $mboxfile." 1>>$log $mkdirbin -p $($dirnamebin $mboxfile) 1>>$log if [ ! -f $mboxfile ];then $touchbin $mboxfile 1>>$log fi echo "$($time) - Starting getmail." 1>>$log $getmailbin --getmaildir=$gmconfdir --rcfile=$eachgmconffile --dont-delete | $awkbin '/delivered to Mboxrd/ {print "bytes received: "$3}' | $sedbin -e 's/(//g' 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to backup mail for $eachgmconffile" done fi if [ "$mysqlopt" = 1 ]; then #MySQL section echo "$($time) - Backing up MySQL on $mysqlsrv" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and creating required directories." 1>>$log for eachmysqldir in "MySQL" "MySQL/Temp" "MySQL/Daily" "MySQL/Weekly" "MySQL/Monthly" "MySQL/Yearly"; do if [ ! -d $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/$eachmysqldir ];then $mkdirbin -p $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/$eachmysqldir 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create MySQL backup directory $eachmysqldir for $mysqlsrv in $bkupdir." 1>>$log fi done echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i $mysqlsrv /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for $mysqlsrv:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa $mysqlsrv 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for $mysqlsrv to known host key list." fi if $sshbin $sshuser@$mysqlsrv : 1>> $log;then echo "$($time) - Getting database names and starting loop." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@$mysqlsrv "echo 'show databases\g' | mysql --user=\"$mysqluser\" --password=\"$mysqlpass\" | $sedbin '/^information_schema\|^Database\|lost+found/d'" | while read -r eachdbname;do echo "Working on $eachdbname" dumpday=$($datebin +%F) dumptime=$($datebin +%H-%M-%S) echo "$($time) - Dumping the database." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@$mysqlsrv -n "mysqldump --user=\"$mysqluser\" --password=\"$mysqlpass\" $eachdbname | gzip" 1> $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Temp/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to back up MySQL database $eachdbname on $mysqlsrv." echo "$($time) - Checking and rotating the database dump." 1>>$log if [ -s $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Temp/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz ];then #If the DB backup exists and is non-zero in size, copy the daily and move on. echo "Total bytes received for database $eachdbname: $($lsbin $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Temp/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz -l | $cutbin -d' ' -f5)" $mvbin $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Temp/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Daily/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new daily MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Daily/$eachdbname* | $awkbin --assign=numdailydumpfiles=$numdailydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numdailydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old daily MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." if [ $($datebin +%a) = "Sat" ];then #Copy the weekly $cpbin $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Daily/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Weekly/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new weekly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Weekly/$eachdbname* | $awkbin --assign=numweeklydumpfiles=$numweeklydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numweeklydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old weekly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." fi if [ $($datebin +%d) = "01" ];then #Copy the monthly $cpbin $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Daily/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Monthly/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new monthly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Monthly/$eachdbname* | $awkbin --assign=nummonthlydumpfiles=$nummonthlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > nummonthlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old monthly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." fi if [ $($datebin +%j) = "001" ];then #Copy the yearly $cpbin $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Daily/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Yearly/$eachdbname-on-$dumpday-at-$dumptime.sql.gz || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to copy new yearly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." $lsbin -1 -t $bkupdir/$mysqlsrv/MySQL/Yearly/$eachdbname* | $awkbin --assign=numyearlydumpfiles=$numyearlydumpfiles '{ if (NR > numyearlydumpfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "0" ] || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old yearly MySQL backup for $mysqlsrv." fi else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Backup of DB $eachdbname failed (zero length backup file or it doesn't exist), keeping old backup (if one exist)." fi done 1>>$log else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to $mysqlsrv failed." 1>>$log fi fi if [ "$apacheopt" = 1 ]; then #Apache2 section echo "$($time) - Backing up Apache on $apachesrv" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i $apachesrv /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for $apachesrv:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa $apachesrv 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for $apachesrv to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Starting remote commands." 1>>$log if $sshbin $sshuser@$apachesrv -p $sshport : 1>>$log;then $sshbin $sshuser@$apachesrv -p $sshport "{ echo "$($time) - Starting rsync." $sudobin $rsyncbin -rltDR --exclude pub $rsyncopt $apacheserverroot $apachedocroot $rsyncbkup/$apachesrv || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Failed to back up Apache on $apachesrv." }" 1>>$log else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to $apachesrv failed, skipping Apache section." 1>>$log fi fi if [ "$vmwareopt" = 1 ]; then #VMware Workstation section echo "$($time) - Backing up VMs on $vmwrkstnsvr" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i teal /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts 1> /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Teal" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa teal 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Teal to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Checking and creating required remote directories." 1>>$log if $sshbin $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport : 1>>$log;then $sshbin $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport "{ $mkdirbin -p /media/Backup/VM || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create required VM directory on Teal." $mkdirbin -p /media/Backup/VM/Dev || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create required VM directory on Teal." $mkdirbin -p /media/Backup/VM/Prod || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create required VM directory on Teal." $mkdirbin -p /media/Backup/VM/Retired || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to create required VM directory on Teal." }" 1>>$log echo "Starting on running VMs" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Getting list of VMs and starting loop." 1>>$log $sudobin -H -u white $vmrunbin -T ws list | $awkbin '{if (NR!=1) {print}}' | while read -r eachrunvmx;do echo "Working on $eachrunvmx" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Pausing VM." 1>>$log $sudobin -H -u white $vmrunbin -T ws pause "$eachrunvmx" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to pause $eachrunvmx" 1>>$log $sleepbin 5 echo "$($time) - Starting rsync." 1>>$log $sshbin -n $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport "$sudobin $rsyncbin -a --stats --delete-after \"$rsyncvmwarevmdir/$($dirnamebin "$eachrunvmx" | $cutbin -d'/' -f4-)\" \"/media/Backup/$($dirnamebin "$eachrunvmx" | $cutbin -d'/' -f3- | $revbin | $cutbin -d'/' -f2- | rev)\"" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Failed to transfer $eachrunvmx" $sleepbin 5 echo "$($time) - Unpausing VM." 1>>$log $sudobin -H -u white $vmrunbin -T ws unpause "$eachrunvmx" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to unpause $eachrunvmx" 1>>$log done echo "Starting on non-running VMs" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Getting list of VMs and starting loop." 1>>$log $sudobin -H -u white $vmrunbin -T ws list | $awkbin '{if (NR!=1) {print}}' 1> $lockdir/runvmlist.txt || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to determine running VMs" $findbin $localvmwarevmdir -name '*.vmx' | while read -r eachvmx; do if ! $grepbin "$eachvmx" $lockdir/runvmlist.txt > /dev/null; then echo "Working on $($dirnamebin "$eachvmx")." | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Starting rsync." >> $log $sshbin -n $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport "$sudobin $rsyncbin -a --stats --delete-after \"$rsyncvmwarevmdir/$($dirnamebin "$eachvmx" | $cutbin -d'/' -f4-)\" \"/media/Backup/$($dirnamebin "$eachvmx" | $cutbin -d'/' -f3- | $revbin | $cutbin -d'/' -f2- | rev)\"" 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Failed to transfer $eachvmx" fi done else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to Teal failed, skipping VMware section." fi fi if [ "$virtualboxopt" = 1 ];then #This has not yet been fully integrated with the rest of the script, use with caution. echo "$($time) - Backing up Oracle VirtualBox VMs on $vboxsvr" | $teebin -a $log if ! $grepbin -i $vboxsvr /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts 1> /dev/null; then echo "Host key for $vboxsvr" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa $vboxsvr 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Teal to known host key list." fi if $sshbin jaw171b.noc.pitt.edu : 1>>$log;then $vboxmanage list runningvms | $cutbin -d' ' -f1 | $sedbin 's/"//g' > $lockdir/vboxrunningvms.txt 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to determine running VMs." 1>>$log $vboxmanage list vms | $cutbin -d' ' -f1 | $sedbin 's/"//g' 1> $lockdir/vboxallvms.txt || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to determine list of VMs." 1>>$log echo "Starting on running VMs" | $teebin -a $log $catbin $lockdir/vboxrunningvms.txt | while read -r eachrunvm;do echo "Working on $eachrunvm" | $teebin -a $log $vboxmanage controlvm "$vboxvmdir/$eachrunvm/$eachrunvm.vbox" savestate || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to pause $eachrunvm" $sleepbin 5 $rsyncbin -a -e "$sshbin -i /home/jaw171/.ssh/id_dsa" $vboxvmdir/$eachrunvm jaw171b.noc.pitt.edu:/VM_backup_from_jaw171a || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable transfer $eachrunvm" $sleepbin 5 $vboxmanage startvm "$vboxvmdir/$eachrunvm/$eachrunvm.vbox" || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to unpause $eachrunvm" done 1>>$log echo "Starting on non-running VMs" | $teebin -a $log $catbin $lockdir/vboxallvms.txt | while read -r eachvm; do if ! $grepbin "$eachvm" $lockdir/vboxrunningvms.txt > /dev/null; then echo "Working on $eachvm." $rsyncbin -a -e "$sshbin -i /home/jaw171/.ssh/id_dsa" $vboxvmdir/$eachvm jaw171b.noc.pitt.edu:/VM_backup_from_jaw171a || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable transfer $eachrunvm" fi done 1>>$log else _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - SSH to Teal failed, skipping VMware section." 1>>$log fi fi if [ "$dataopt" = 1 ];then #Datastore section echo "$($time) - Backing up Data on Cyan" | $teebin -a $log echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i teal /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts > /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Teal:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa teal 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Teal to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Starting remote commands." 1>>$log echo "$($time) - Starting rsync on main datastore." 1>>$log # $sshbin -t $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport "$sudobin $rsynccl -R --exclude \"VM\" $rsyncdata/ /media/Backup || echo \"ERROR - $LINENO - Data backup failed!\"" 1>>$log $sudobin $rsyncbin -aDHAX --stats -e "$sudobin -u $sshuser $sshbin -l $sshuser -p $sshport" --rsync-path="$sudobin $rsyncbin" /media/Data/ teal:/media/Backup 1>>$log || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Data backup failed!" fi echo "$($time) - Removing old backup logs." | $teebin -a $log $lsbin -1 -t $($dirnamebin $log)/*-$script.log* | $awkbin --assign=numrunlogfiles=$numrunlogfiles '{ if (NR > numrunlogfiles) {print}}' | $xargsbin $rmbin -f ; [ $(echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" | $sedbin 's/ //g') -eq "000" ] 1>>$log || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to remove old script run logs." echo "$($time) - Cleaning up." | $teebin -a $log #Some commands in the script are ran with sudo so we need to fix ownership. World writable files are bad and I have specific needs so for me I wrote an additional script. $rmbin -f /tmp/exclude_linuxos echo "$($time) - Running permfix on Cyan." 1>>$log $sudobin /media/Data/Scripts/permfix-data.sh || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Failed to run permfix script on $bkupsrv." 1>>$log if [ "$remotenason" = 1 ];then echo "$($time) - Checking and adding SSH keys." 1>>$log if ! $grepbin -i teal /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts 1> /dev/null; then echo "Host key for Teal:" 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts $sshkeyscanbin -t rsa,dsa teal 1>> /home/$sshuser/.ssh/known_hosts || _printerr "ERROR - $LINENO - Unable to add host key for Teal to known host key list." fi echo "$($time) - Running permfix on Teal." 1>>$log $sshbin $sshuser@Teal -p $sshport "{ $sudobin /media/Data/Scripts/permfix-data.sh || echo "ERROR - $LINENO - Failed to run permfix script on Teal." }" 1>>$log fi _printoutput