Tuesday, August 14, 2012

VMware vCenter Converter Standalon The access to the host resource settings is restricted

SkyHi @ Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The access to the host resource settings is restricted to the server IP address that is managing the hosts. Use the management server as a destination


When an ESXi host in version 5.x or higher is managed by a virtual center it's management capabilities are limited to prevent damage to the virtual machines. One scenario which can become a big deal is however if your vCenter Server runs out of storage, which means you can not extend the storage that easily.
If you are really sure that you want to override this behavior here are the necessary steps, this will ensure you can later easily reconnect to the vCenter Server:
  • Open the ESXi host via the vSphere client
  • In the lower right corner of the Inventory use the "Disconnect Esxi host from vCenter Server..." function to disconnect the host from the vCenter
  • Do whatever needs to be done (i.e. expand the disk on your vCenter Server)
  • Reconnect your vSphere Client with your vCenter Server
  • Reconnect the host into the cluster
    Please ensure to NOT remove the ESXi host from your cluster inside the vCenter Server, as then the resetup might be more complicated.
    This process shall normally ensure that all setups like Distributed Switches, Storage Cluster etc. work as designed.

