The SquirrelMail Postfix Admin Plugin will allow your users to change their Vacation, Password and Forwarding settings if you are using Postfix Admin to administer your Postfix mail server. If you are not using Postfix Admin, you can still install and use it along with this plugin to use its vacation notification feature.
Install the SquirrelMail Postfix Admin Plugin
5. Click the notepad button and in the Location field type in /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/ and click Open.
The SquirrelMail PostfixAdmin archive has to be extracted directly into the SquirrelMail plugin directory to enable Linux to apply the proper SELinux Context into the files.
Configure the SquirrelMail Postfix Admin Plugin
If you are not actually using Postfix Admin, make sure you have configured the domain in SquirrelMail.
1. From a Terminal window, type in /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/ and press Enter. This will launch the SquirrelMail Configuration utility.
If your Terminal window has a white background, make sure that the colors are off by looking for the command Turn color on. If the command is Turn color off, type in C and press Enter to turn the colors off. This will ensure that you will be able to read all of the text.
3. Install the postfixadmin plugin by typing in the number corresponding to it and press Enter. When you are done, type in q and press Enter to quit then type in y and press Enter to save your changes.
4. Type in the command below to install the required dependency for this plugin.
yum install php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql
5. In the /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/postfixadmin directory, copy the file config.sample.php and save it as config.php. Edit config.php and set the items below to the same values as your PostfixAdmin configuration.
The settings $AllowForwarding and $AllowChangePass can be set to true only if you are using Postfix Admin to manage your Postfix mail server.
The plugin only sets the vacation message of the user, Postfix has to be configured to handle vacation messages.